Important information

  • Deadline for uploading your presentation is: August 20, 2021, 24:00 hrs CEST
  • Live session format: Please note that it is not possible to give your talk live, but only to answer questions from the audience live. Your talk needs to be pre-recorded and uploaded to the virtual conference platform as an MP4 file that includes your presentation slides, the audio and webcam video within the same file. Please see below for technical details on how to prerecord your presentation.
  • Presence at the conference: To make the virtual meeting more interactive and exciting for participants, you are kindly asked to be present during the live session in which your talk is scheduled, to answer questions from the audience. Questions will be monitored by the session moderators in the session chat and will be directed to you at the end of your presentation. In case you are not able to be present during the live session (e.g. because you are in a different time zone), please let us know in advance so that the moderators of your session are aware and can prepare accordingly. It is not necessary to withdraw your presentation in that case.
  • If you are definitely unable to prepare and upload your presentation, please contact us immediately.
  • In compliance with EACCME regulations, authors are requested to disclose possible conflicts of interest in the first slide of their presentation.

How to upload your presentation

  • All presentations need to be uploaded to the virtual conference platform (Google Chrome and Firefox recommended)
  • You will receive an email with a direct link to upload your presentation. Please note that you will need to have a completed registration before you can upload your registration.
    • If you had registered and paid for the June conference then your registration has been transferred to the new platform. It is not necessary for you to register again. If you have questions please contact us

Technical guidelines for your presentation

  • The official conference language is English. Therefore, all presentations are to be held in English.
  • Use the opportunity to write a short CV and upload your portrait picture on the virtual conference platform (not obligatory).
  • File Format: Presentation files can only be uploaded as an MP4 file.
  • Your presentation can be prepared in any presentation system, such as PowerPoint or Keynote. However, the file will need to be exported and uploaded as MP4. Please see below for more instructions.
  • The size of your presentation should not exceed 500 MB.
  • Audio and movies: Make sure that all of your audios and videos are embedded.
  • File name: The name of the presentation file should include the presenter’s last name and the presentation number. The file name is limited to a maximum of 40 characters. To avoid any compatibility problems, please do not use special characters (e.g. «, Ö, Ø, ñ, ε, ®, ý, }, {, etc.) to name your presentation.
  • Do not use any passwords or encryption for your presentation.
  • Please note that macros should not be used and flash-animations are not supported.
  • Aspect ratio of your presentation should be 16:9 landscape (1920×1080 mandatory).
  • If you do not use a webcam for your presentation, you can add your picture on the bottom right corner of each slide.

Options to record your presentation

How to record your presentation in PowerPoint
How to record your presentation in Keynote

Speaking time

  • Educational Session E01 (New Technologies): 20 minutes + 5 minutes for live discussion
  • Concurrent Symposia: 20 minutes + 5 minutes for live discussion
  • Concurrent Sessions (including PL2 “What’s New Session”): 10 minutes + 5 minutes for live discussion
  • Live Workshops: Please refer to the invitation email or the guidelines of your workshop organiser

Please make sure that the total audio length does not exceed the allocated speaking time.

Guidelines to access your session for Live Q&A during the conference

  • You will receive an email with a direct link to your live session. Please save this link to help easily access your live session on your session day.
  • Please access the call at least 15 minutes before the start of the session.
  • Please note that your webcam and audio will be broadcasted during the live Q&A.
  • The moderators of the sessions will direct questions from the audience to you by addressing you personally.
  • In case any assistance is required, a virtual session assistant will be available during the whole session.


Note that your presentation cannot be downloaded by the participants. But just like in a real conference, it is possible for the registered participants to make photographs or screen shots of your presentation. If you do not wish any scientific content of your presentation to be photographed, please indicate this on the according slide(s) in a clearly visible way.

Important Guidelines for a successful presentation

Like all of us, you will have sat through many conference talks, some good and some bad. We have all been to talks which failed to communicate their message because the speaker spoke impossibly fast, perhaps in a very indistinct way, or flashed through large numbers of slides so crammed with detail that nobody could follow them. So please take note of the following:

  • Font size: Minimum recommended font size for easy viewing is 20 points.
  • Text: Your guiding principle should be “As much as necessary, as little as possible”. The text should be concise and to the point, key facts should be highlighted. No more than seven text lines should be used per page.
  • Colours: Colours should be used sparingly. Choose colour combinations that make your text easy to read (preferably dark background – light fonts). Geneticists have no excuse to forget that one male in 12 is red-green colour blind.
  • Layout: Keep data on the slides simple. Ensure a logical order of the content. A clear and well-structured arrangement is the most attractive and easiest to view on screen.
  • Images and movies: We recommended that you collect your illustration material well in advance. Refrain from selecting too many images and movies. Concentrate on those which emphasise your key points and conclusions optimally. Avoid overlying images on one slide as they cannot be visualised on the final version of your presentation.
  • Remember that the vast majority of the audience are not native English speakers – speak clearly (whether or not English is your native tongue) and not too fast. Plan an average of 1 slide per minute, in most cases.